MARSIM 2018 Marsim 2018 ProceedingsEach paper (PDF document) can be opened with a password. Author Country Title Topic 01 Aksel David Nordholm Norway Applications of Simulation and Adoption of New Function Areas to DNV GL Standard for Certification of Maritime Simulator Systems SIM 02 Serge Sutulo Portugal Comparative Testing of an Identification Method based on the Genetic and ABC Algorithms MOD 03 Hironori Yasukawa Japan Effect of Load Condition on Zig-Zag Manoeuvres of a VLCC in Adverse Weather Conditions MOD 04 Maciej Reichel Poland Rudder-Equivalent Pod Propulsor Helm Angles for a Gas Carrier MOD 05 Jong Yong Park Korea 3 A Study on Manoeuvrability of KLVCC2 by Indoor Free Running Model Test in Calm Water MOD 06 Li Longhao China Research on Ship's Squat by the Effect of Swell in Marine Simulator SIM 07 Rodrigo Barrera Brazil Offline Vector Tugs Actuation Model (an Efficiency Analysis of Towage Forces during Pull Operations) MOD/SIM 08 Dong Jin Kim Korea 4 Turning Characteristics of KVLCC2 in Regular Head and Beam Waves SIM 09 Junsheng Ren China Locally Weighted Learning Identification Modeling for Ship Maoeuvering Motion with Reduced Computational Complexity SIM 10 R.P. Higgins USA Trends in Maritime Simulation Display SIM 11 Subhashis Nandy India Electronic Control of Marine Cycloidal Propellors: Modelling and Simulation Studies MOD/SIM 12 Jialun Liu China Ship Course Control Based on BAS Self-Optimizing PID Algorithm MOD/SIM 13 Feng Ma China Design and Application of Multi-function Marine Simulators for the Future SIM 14 Jialun Liu China Impacts of Rudders on the Performance of a Benchmark Inland Vessel in the Rhine MOD/SIM 15 Raul Redondo Spain The Influence of Wave Drift Force Coefficients in Assessment of Navigable Areas of Ports and Harbours Exposed to High Waves MOD 16 Changyuan Chen Belgium Intelligent Control Strategies Used in Fast Time Ship Manoeuvring Simulations SIM 17 Sin Der Lee China (Taiwan) Design and Experiment of the New Type Parallel Correction Guidance Autopilot System MOD/SIM 18 Zao-jian Zhou China Navigation Safety Analysis Based on Ship Squat Calculations MOD 19 Akiko Uchino Japan Effective Lookout by Decreasing the Workload Factor for Achieving Safe Navigation SIM 20 Hiroaki Kobayashi Japan Proposal for Progress of Full Automation of Ship Handling SIM 21 Dong Jin Yeo Korea 1 A Study on the Effect of Heel Angle on Manoeuvring Characteristics of KCS MOD 22 Dennis Webb USA Advantages of Ship Simulation Screening: Port of Long Beach (CA) Case Study SIM 23 Kunhang Yun Korea 2 An Experimental Study on the Turning Characterstics of KCS with CG Variations MOD 24 Jeroen Verwilligen Belgium Squat Formula for Cape-Size Bulk Carriers Based on Towing Tank Results and Full-Scale Measurements MOD 25 Felix Dahms Germany Machinery Simulator with Prediction of Fuel cCnsumption and Emissions in Transient Operation SIM 26 Felipe Marino Moreno Brazil Metocean Data Clustering for Real-Time Manoeuvering Simulations SIM 27 Mathias Tenzer Germany Investigation of Safety and Ease of Traffic on the River Danube by Real-Time Simulations SIM 28 Hyeon Kyu Yoon Korea Component Units, Interfaces and SW Modelling for Motion of a Small Leisure Boat Simulator MOD/SIM 29 Sun Young Kim Korea Development of USV Base Station Simulator and Usability Test of USV Base Station SIM 30 Garland Hardy Canada Mandating the Use of Simulation as a Policy Development and Procedural Implementation Tool for British Columbia Ports and Waterways SIM 31 Rebecca Thistle Canada Training to Target Ice Management Performance Using Simulators SIM 32 Randy Billard Canada Assessing Lifeboat Coxswain Emergency Preparedness Using Simulation SIM 33 Owen Brine Canada Enhancing Simulation Training Ecosystems through an Instructor-Focused Approach SIM 34 Karan Bhawsinka Netherlands Developing Pilotage Plans on Bridge Simulators: Methodology, Benefits and Challenges SIM 35 Jeff MacNabb Canada Port Saint John West Side Terminals Modernization Project, 3D Hydrodynamic Modelling and Navigation Simulations MOD/SIM 36 Claus Bornhorst Germany Fast-Time-Simulation as a Feature for Enhanced Training in connection with Rheinmetall's ANS 6000 Ship Handling Simulator SIM 37 Prasad Patil India On the Ship Navigation in Geodetic Frame MOD 38 Shinya Nakamura Japan Study on Automatic Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre Using Full Mission Simulator SIM 39 Wibbo Hofman Netherlands The Use of Simulators in the Polar Code Training Program at Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz SIM 40 Stephen Cross Netherlands Simulare Necesse Est: Improving Safety and Economy in Shipping Operations SIM 41 Wendie Uitterhoeve Netherlands The Dutch Perspective on the Use of Simulators and Sea Time Reduction in Maritime Education and Training SIM 42 Bruce Fuchs USA Development of Generic Ship Models MOD IMSF Application for Membership Application