

Welcome to the members-only section of the IMSF website.

This section can be entered by means of a log-in name and password. These are provided to each member upon receipt of the membership fee. Each year the log-in name and password will be renewed in order to offer an incentive for paying the membership dues. In this section you will find a subsection containing the membership lists and a subsection containing the complete versions of the Marsim conference proceedings.

Membership lists

The membership lists are as accurate as possible and will be updated twice a year. The lists contain the names of the member organisations and the contact person with an email address. Any changes in the contact data can be submitted to any of the IMSF committee members. The membership list is divided in 3 geographical regions:

  1. North, Central and South America

  2. Europe and Africa

  3. Asia, Australia and Pacific Islands

Each region has an IMSF point of contact as indicated in the Contacts page of the General section.


With some effort it has been possible to obtain editions of the proceedings of all IMSF Marsim conferences from the beginning in 1978. Curran Associates in USA have digitized all paper documents at no cost for IMSF. These are now available through them and at no cost for the IMSF members on this website. The documents can be opened, read and downloaded. As each year includes the entire proceedings documents, which often amount to several hundreds of pages, it can take considerable time to open the pdf document, depending on the capacity of the internet connection.

It has been experienced that browsers other than Explorer often offer faster processing of the documents.

IMSF Application for Membership